- March 2021: I spoke to Marcos Cabello of The Academic Times about people in same-sex relationships’ social networks and family-of-origin ties.
- March 2021: My interview with the Spotify original podcast WISSEN WEEKLY about LGBTQ* mental health.
- March 2021: I was invited by ASTA Köln to give a workshop on the topic of queer mental health.
- March 2021: Interviewed for the podcast M94.5 TO GO about the health disparities faced by LGBTQI* people in Germany.
- Feb 2021: I was featured on the podcast Deutschlandfunk Nova with research on health disparities of LGBTQI* people.
- Feb 2021: Feature articles about out study about health disparities faced by LGBTQI* people compared to cis-heterosexuals in Germany by
- dpa Germany
- KNA Basisdienst
- afp Deutschsprachiger Basisdienst
- dts Basidienst
- dpa Spanish
- Ärztezeitung Deutschland
- Berliner Zeitung
- Weltonline
- Hasepost
- The Leibnitz Gemeinschaft
- DocPlayer
- L.Mag
- Presse Augsburg
- and in print by Die Welt, Der Tagesspeigel, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, B. Z. and Bild.
- Sept 2020: My DIW interview about LGBTQI* people’s experiences on the labor market.
- Oct 2019: I was interviewed by Ulf Zinne for the podcast EntscheidungsFINISHER episode “Nein zu Diskriminierung” about a recent report on discrimination of LGBTQI* people on the labor market. Inteview in German.
- March 2019: Talking to Radio Swammerdam about my dissertation research, ‘objectivity’ in science and the beauty of The Scientific Process.
- Feb 2019: NRC spoke to me about my dissertation research.
- Feb 2019: I was interviewed by Folia about my dissertation research on the well-being gap between same- and different-sex couples in Europe.