Peer-reviewed journal articles
- Fischer, M.M., Kroh, M., De Vries, L., Kasprowski, D., Kuehne, S. & Zindel, Z. (2022). Sexual and gender minority (SGM) research meets household panel surveys: Research potentials of the German Socio-Economic Panel and its boost sample of SGM households. European Sociological Review, 38(2), 321-335. Full text here. Request replication files.
- Mazrekaj, D., Fischer, M.M., & Bos, H.M.W. (2022). Behavioural outcomes of children with same-sex parents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(10), 5922. Full text. Request replication files.
- Wittgens, C., Fischer, M.M., Buspavanich, P., Theobald, S., Schweizer, K., & Trautmann, S. (2022). Mental health in people with minoritized sexual orientations: A meta-analysis of population-based studies. Clinical Psychology Review, 145(4), 357-372. Full text here. Request replication files.
- Buspavanich P., Lech S., Lermer E., Fischer M.M., Berger M., Vilsmaier T., et al. (2021). Well-being during COVID-19 pandemic: A comparison of individuals with minoritized sexual and gender identities and cis-heterosexual individuals. PLoS ONE, 16(6): e0252356. Full text here. Request replication files.
- Fischer M. M. (2021). Social exclusion and resilience: Examining social network stratification among people in same-sex and different-sex relationships. Social Forces, 100(3), 1284-1306. Full text here. Replication files here.
- Fischer, M. M. & Kalmijn, M. (2019) Do adult men and women in same-sex relationships have weaker ties to their parents? Journal of Family Psychology, 35(3), 288–298. Full text here. Replication files here.
- Fischer, M. M., Kalmijn, M. & Steinmetz, S. (2019). The social integration of lesbians, gay men and bisexuals: Exploring the role of the municipal context. Social Science Research, 84 (2019), 102320. Full text here.
- Steinmetz, S., & Fischer, M. M. (2019). Surveying LGB couples in a probabilistic way – An example from The Netherlands. Journal of Official Statistics, 35 (4), 753-776. Full text here.
- Fischer, M.M. (2018). Free to live their lives as they wish? The social well-being gap between persons in same-sex and mixed-sex relationships in Europe [Doctoral dissertation]. University of Amsterdam: The Netherlands. ISBN 978-94-92679-72-7. Full text here.
- Fischer, M.M., Kalmijn, M. & Steinmetz, S. (2016). Does tolerance matter? A study of same-sex unions and well-being in nine European countries. European Societies, 18(5), 514-534. Full text here.
- Elffers, L., Van de Werfhorst, H. & Fischer, M.M. (2015). Effects of reducing the period of mixed ability grouping in secondary education on cognitive, civic and motivational outcomes: A quasi-experimental case study. Pedagogische Studien, 92(6), 413-433. Full text here.
Book chapters and reports (* peer reviewed)
- Fischer, M.M. (2022). Einsamkeit unter LSBTQI* Menschen: Gesellschaftliche Entfremdung, soziale Ausgrenzung und Resilienz. Expertise für das Kompetenznetz Einsamkeit. Frankfurt a.M.: Institut für Sozialarbeit und Sozialpädagogik e.V. Fulltext here.
- Fischer, M.M & de Vries, L. (2022). LGBTQ* Partnerschaften & Familienbeziehungen. In Oliver Arránz Becker, Karsten Hank, Anja Steinbach (Eds.), Handbuch Familiensoziologie. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien. *
- Fischer, M.M. (2022). Rezension Trans & Care. Trans Personen zwischen Selbstsorge, Fürsorge und Versorgung, Max Nicolai Appenroth & María do Mar Castro Varela (Eds.). Bielefeld: transcript Verlag. *
- Richter, D., Kasprowski, D. & Fischer M. M. (2021). Pretest eines Fragenmoduls zu subjektiven Diskriminierungserfahrungen in der SOEP-Innovationsstichprobe 2020. SOEP Survey papers 1077: Series B. Berlin: DIW/SOEP. Full text here.
- Vries, L. De, Fischer, M. M., Kroh, M., Kühne, S., & Richter, D. (2021). Design, nonresponse, and weighting in the 2019 Sample Q (Queer) of the Socio-Economic Panel. SOEP Survey Paper 940/v36. Berlin: DIW. Full text here.
- Kasprowski, D., Fischer, M.M., Chen, X., De Vries, L., Kroh, M., Kuehne, S., Richter, D. & Zindel, Z. (2020). LGBTQI* people in Germany face staggering health disparities. DIW Weekly Report 06/2021, pp. 80-88. Berlin, Germany: German Institute for Economic Research. Full text here. German version here. *
- De Vries, L., Fischer, M.M., Kasprowski, D., Kroh, M., Kuehne, S., Richter, D. & Zindel, Z. (2020). LGBTQI* people on the labor market: Highly educated, frequently discriminated against. DIW Weekly Report 36/2020. Berlin, Germany: German Institute for Economic Research. Full text here. German version here. *
- Bates, N., Steinmetz, S. & Fischer, M. M. (2019). Preface to Special Issue Measuring LGBT Populations. Official Statistics, 35(4), 699-707. Full text here.
- Fischer, M. M. & Steinmetz, S. (2018). Designing a sampling frame for same-sex couples and families: The Unions in Context (UNICON) Study. In SAGE Research Methods Cases, 2018. Full text here. *
- Fischer, M. M., Kalmijn, M. & Steinmetz, S. (2017). Design, content and questionnaire of The UNICON Study: Lesbian, gay and heterosexual couples and families in the Netherlands. Research report. University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Full text here.
- Fischer, M.M. (2016). Identifying same-sex couples in cross-national survey data: A comparison of same-sex couples’ demographic and socio-economic traits in six European countries. In R. Meuleman, G. Kraaykamp & M. Wittenberg (Eds.), Nederland in Context: Verschillen en Overeenkomsten (pp. 50-79). Den Haag: DANS. Full text here. *