“The classroom remains the most radical space of possibility in the academy”

bell hooks

Experience and expertise

I have teaching experience at the Bachelor and Master-level in three languages, English, Dutch and German. I have experience as supervisor to PhD students, Lea Luttenberger (2023 – now, Belonging in academia) and David Kasprowski (2020-2024, Queering social class) and I frequently supervise Bachelor- and Master theses.

I am qualified to teach sociology courses on diverisity, intersectionalities and sociological perspectives on well-being and health, social networks, families, social institutions and the labor market. I am also qualified to teach quantitative methodology, research design and advanced statistics.

Course repertoire

  • Introduction to quantitative methods in Queer and Gender Studies
    This course speaks on the opportunities of quantitative research approaches to inequities regarding gender and sexual orientation. Students learn practical skills in conducting first analyses using seconardy survey data. Syllabus tba.
  • Research seminar LGBTQI* research in practice
    A practical research seminar at the Master-level with a strong methodological focus on challenges and solutions to survey research into people with minoritized gender and sexual identities. Students conduct independent empirical research using secondary survey data. Syllabus tba.
  • Analysis of social change: Formal and informal institutions
    A theoretical Master seminar on institutional changes regarding sexual diversity since the late 18th century up until today, with foci on norm diffusion and sexual diversity in neo-populist discourse. Students research and analyze the circumstances of a recent legal change of their choice. Have a look at some of the exciting student projects that came from this class in 2022! Syllabus in English.
  • Survey approaches to sexual and gender diversity
    Master students learn to theorize and empirically examine social inequality between lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, queer and intersex people (LGBTQI* people) and the cis-heterosexual majority population using an intersectional lens. Syllabus in English.
  • Sexual orientation: Measurement and consequences for the labor market
    A seminar at the Bachelor-level, in which students get familiarized with the basic concepts of gender, sexual orientation and structural heteronormativity. Students conduct regression analyses of labor-related inequalities (e.g., income, outness at work and workplace satisfaction). Syllabus in German.
  • Sexual orientation: Measurement and consequences for family and other social relationships
    A seminar at the Bachelor-level, in which students get familiarized with the basic concepts of gender, sexual orientation and structural heteronormativity. Students conduct regression analyses of inequalities in family settings and in social networks. Syllabus in German.
  • Unequal families and social relationships
    Bachelor students learn queer-feminist perspectives on families and how social inequalities get reproduced by structural differences in family relations and social networks. Students conduct literature analyses and theorize mechanisms. Syllabus in German.

In addition to the courses I designed myself, I have taught the Bachelor courses ‘Intersectionalities: Class, Race, Gender and Sexuality’ designed by Prof. dr. Sarah Bracke, and ‘Introduction to Statistics’ designed by Dr. Thijs Bol (both in Dutch).

Thesis supervision

2024, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

  • To what extent do quantitative data collection practices contribute to the (in)visibility of populations of sexual orientation? A discussion using the German example, M.A. Gender Studies
  • Anonymisierte Bewerbungsverfahren: Eine kritische Diversitätsperspektive, M.A. Gender Studies

2023, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

  • Well-being among queer people at different stages of life, B.Sc. Psychology

2022, University of Cologne

  • Häusliche Aufgabenteilung und Beziehungszufriedenheit unter gleich- und verschiedengeschlechtlichen Paaren
  • Household composition and mental health of young people before and during Covid 19 pandemic
  • Sexual orientation pay gap
  • What of the Gender Revolution? An examination of inequality in employment
  • Geflüchtete Väter – Herausforderungen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Zwangsmigration, Männlichkeit und Familie

2021, University of Cologne

  • Homeoffice und Sozialkapital. Entwurf eines Forschungsdesigns zur Evaluation der Auswirkungen von Homeoffice auf das soziale Kapital gemeinschaftlicher Sozialräume, B.Sc. Social Sciences
  • Wie hat sich die mentale Gesundheit in verschiedenen Altersgruppen während der COVID19-Pandemie verändert? B.Sc. Social Sciences
  • Mütter als Erwerbspersonen – Eine Analyse von familieninternen Erwerbsmodellen unter Berücksichtigung der beruflichen Qualifikationen, B.Sc. Social Sciences
  • Auswirkungen von Homeoffice und Homeschooling in der Corona-Pandemie auf das Wohlbefinden von Familien, B.Sc. Social Sciences
  • er Einfluss der Covid-19-Pandemie auf die geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt im häuslichen Kontext in Kolumbien, B.Sc. Social Sciences
  • Darstellung von Geschlechterrollen und Familienbildern in Printmedien – Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung am Beispiel von Kinderbüchern, B.Sc. Social Sciences
  • Ungleichheit im deutschen Bildungssystem. Covid-19-Pandemie als Katalysator bestehender Bildungsungleichheiten? B.Sc. Social Sciences
  • Queer & Muslimisch – Eine empirische Untersuchung von queeren Muslim*innen auf den Faktor: Einsamkeit, B.Sc. Social Sciences
  • Das Wohlbefinden von jungen LSBTQ Menschenwährend der  COVID-19 Pandemie, B.Sc. Social Sciences

Interest in thesis supervision?

Are you a student at the Humboldt University and interested in writing your Bachelor or Master thesis with me?